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November 1, 2005: Milkweed seeds
February 1, 2006: Ice on a pine tree by Crow Hill Pond
March 26, 2006: Chocolate tools
April 29, 2006: Early spring flowers in the garden
May 6, 2006: Jeeves on Roz's head
May 27, 2006: Many hand-held bouquets
June 29, 2006: Pink rose growing in the garden
August 3, 2006: Hummingbird clearwing moth getting nectar from phlox in the garden
August 3, 2006: Hummingbird clearwing moth getting nectar from phlox in the garden
August 7, 2006: Lightning jumping across a cloudy night sky
October 17, 2006: fall color of the large maple tree in our back yard
January 15, 2007: A tree branch after an ice storm
January 20, 2007: deep red rose
March 25, 2007: Trees near our house after a heavy sticky snow
March 25, 2007: Trees near our house after a heavy sticky snow
March 25, 2007: Trees near our house after a heavy sticky snow
March 25, 2007: Trees near our house after a heavy sticky snow
March 25, 2007: Looking down Beaman Rd after a heavy wet snow
May 5, 2007: Jeeves and daffodils in the garden
June 2, 2007: an Iris in the garden