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November 2, 2008: Katie climbing the cherry tree
November 27, 2008: A Thanksgiving Day pheasant in the garden
December 12, 2008: ice storm damage
January 24, 2009: snow rolling itself into rosettes on the barn roof
April 12, 2009: Katie climbing the cherry tree
April 12, 2009: katie looking out the barn window
April 25, 2009: Ferns (fiddlehead stage)
May 2, 2009: a bumblebee on a grape hyachinth
May 4, 2009: bleeding hearts growing in the garden
May 4, 2009: tulips by the rail fence with a vegetable garden bed and blooming apple tree in the background
May 8, 2009: lilac blossoms next to the house
June 2, 2009: an iris in the garden
June 2, 2009: Jeeves with his tongue hanging out
June 6, 2009: a butterfly at the butterfly conservatory
July 7, 2009: lilies growing in the garden
July 7, 2009: lilies growing in the garden
July 7, 2009: lilies growing in the garden
July 7, 2009: lilies growing in the garden
July 7, 2009: lilies growing in the garden
July 7, 2009: lilies growing in the garden