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August 15, 2015: Found native wisteria growing between the orchard and the creek
August 15, 2015: Found native wisteria growing between the orchard and the creek
August 15, 2015: Found native wisteria growing between the orchard and the creek
August 22, 2015: New flower garden by the barn, ready for planting
August 22, 2015: Espalier tomatoes -- Yellow Brandywine variety
August 22, 2015: Espalier tomatoes
August 22, 2015: Squash patch starting to die back
August 22, 2015: First pumpkins are ripening
August 22, 2015: Hydrangea in full bloom
August 22, 2015: The apple tree had way too many apples this year
August 22, 2015: Garden at the top of the driveway with Roz coming out of the barn
August 22, 2015: Neighbor's new chickens foraging in the yard
August 22, 2015: Looking down at the front gardens
August 22, 2015: New flower garden by the barn, ready for planting
August 28, 2015: Looking over the Quabbin
September 20, 2015: Ripe grapes on the new arbor
September 20, 2015: Ripe grapes on the new arbor
September 26, 2015: Boopsie in a sunbeam
September 28, 2015: Grapes picked from the new arbor
September 28, 2015: Zinnias blooming near the grape arbor